The tree consists of group and leaf nodes. Group nodes can, in turn have
additional nodes (composite pattern). Accordingly, for both the node types,
the interfaces TreeGroupDataModel and
TreeNodeDataModel are available
(TreeGroupDataModel extendsTreeNodeDatamodel). With their help, the tree
structure can be easily generated.
In doing so, the root node is generated first and under it, additional groups
or leaves are suspended. The root node is passed onto the TreeControl as a data model.
The procedure corresponds to the provision of display data for the TreeControl.
In contrast to the TreeControl, however, the TreeListControl should present additional
columns. To do so, our Bean, which provides the display data, must merely implement
additional properties for the corresponding columns. In our example, what is involved
is the class RegionDsp, from which group and leaf nodes are derived.
A detailed code example will be provided to you with the trial version, which you can download free of cost.
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