» Exkurs: Name convention for Images
The main menu offers the option of depicting the menu options as text or graphics.
Hover effects can be used when using graphics. For this, the graphics must follow
a name convention as described in the following table.
Name conventions and states for menu options:
State |
Example |
Name convention |
Unselected |
btnXXX1.gif |
Unselected Hover |
btnXXX3.gif |
Selected |
btnXXX5.gif |
Selected Hover |
btnXXX6.gif |
The images are automatically exchanged as soon as the mouse pointer is moved over a menu option.
A JavaScript Eventhandler, which is registered for the MouseOver and MouseOut-Event in the file
fw/def/jscript/controls.js, is responsible for this.
This script is automatically included in every HTML page by the default painter.