Uses of Interface

Packages that use ImageMap   

Uses of ImageMap in

Methods in that return ImageMap
static ImageMap TagHelp.lookupImageMap(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext, java.lang.String mapName)
          Returns an image map

Uses of ImageMap in

Fields in declared as ImageMap
private  ImageMap ImageTag.imagemap
          The name of the image map.

Uses of ImageMap in

Classes in that implement ImageMap
 class AbstractImageMap
          Abstract ImageMap implementation
 class RegExpImageMap
          Provides an image map, which associates regulare expressions with images.
 class SimpleImageMap
          Provides an image map, which associates keys expressions with images.

Uses of ImageMap in

Methods in that return ImageMap
 ImageMap TabbarControl.getImageMap()
          Returns the ImageMap
 ImageMap SchedulerControl.getImageMap()
          Returns the associated ImageMap
 ImageMap RatingControl.getImageMap()
          Returns the associated ImageMap
 ImageMap MenuControl.getImageMap()
          Returns the ImageMap
 ImageMap MenuButtonControl.getImageMap()
          Returns the ImageMap
 ImageMap FormControl.getImageMap()
          Returns the ImageMap
 ImageMap CrumbsControl.getImageMap()
          Returns the ImageMap

Uses of ImageMap in

Methods in that return ImageMap
 ImageMap TreeDesignModel.getImageMap()
          Returns the associated ImageMap
 ImageMap TabsetDesignModel.getImageMap()
          Returns the image map
 ImageMap SchedulerDesignModel.getImageMap()
          Returns the associated ImageMap
 ImageMap RatingDesignModel.getImageMap()
          Returns the associated ImageMap
 ImageMap OptionListDesignModel.getImageMap()
          Returns the associated ImageMap
 ImageMap MenuDesignModel.getImageMap()
          Returns the ImageMap used by the Menu
 ImageMap MenuButtonDesignModel.getImageMap()
          Returns the ImageMap used by the Menu
 ImageMap FormDesignModel.getImageMap()
          Returns the ImageMap
 ImageMap CrumbsDesignModel.getImageMap()
          Returns the ImageMap
 ImageMap ColumnHeaderDesignModel.getImageMap()
          Returns the ImageMap
 ImageMap ColumnDesignModel.getImageMap()
          Returns the ImageMap

Methods in with parameters of type ImageMap
 void TreeDesignModel.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
          Specifies the name of an image map.
 void TabsetDesignModel.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
          Sets the image map for the TabSet
 void SchedulerDesignModel.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
          Specifies the name of an image map.
 void RatingDesignModel.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
          Specifies the name of an image map.
 void OptionListDesignModel.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
          Specifies the image map.
 void MenuDesignModel.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
          Assigns an ImageMap to the Menu
 void MenuButtonDesignModel.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
          Assigns an ImageMap to the Menu
 void FormDesignModel.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
          Sets the ImageMap
 void CrumbsDesignModel.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
          Sets the ImageMap
 void ColumnHeaderDesignModel.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
          Assigns an ImageMap to the column header
 void ColumnDesignModel.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
          Assigns an ImageMap to the Column

Uses of ImageMap in

Fields in declared as ImageMap
private  ImageMap TreeDesignModelImp.imageMap
          Field imageMap
private  ImageMap TabsetDesignModelImp.imagemap
          The ImageMap which can be used to paint icons in front of the labels.
private  ImageMap SchedulerDesignModelImp.imageMap
          The Image Map
private  ImageMap OptionListDesignModelImp.imageMap
          The Image Map
private  ImageMap MenuDesignModelImp.imagemap
          An ImageMap with images if the menu items are made of images.
private  ImageMap MenuButtonDesignModelImp.imageMap
          The image map that will be used to render the images in front of the menu options
private  ImageMap FormDesignModelImp.imagemap
          The ImageMap which can be used to paint icons in front of the labels.
private  ImageMap CrumbsDesignModelImp.imagemap
          The ImageMap which can be used to paint icons in front of the labels.
private  ImageMap ColumnHeaderDesignModelImp.imagemap
          An ImageMap for label images
private  ImageMap ColumnDesignModelImp.imagemap
          An ImageMap for label images

Methods in that return ImageMap
 ImageMap TreeDesignModelImp.getImageMap()
 ImageMap TabsetDesignModelImp.getImageMap()
 ImageMap SchedulerDesignModelImp.getImageMap()
 ImageMap RatingDesignModelImp.getImageMap()
 ImageMap OptionListDesignModelImp.getImageMap()
 ImageMap MenuDesignModelImp.getImageMap()
 ImageMap MenuButtonDesignModelImp.getImageMap()
 ImageMap FormDesignModelImp.getImageMap()
 ImageMap CrumbsDesignModelImp.getImageMap()
 ImageMap ColumnHeaderDesignModelImp.getImageMap()
 ImageMap ColumnDesignModelImp.getImageMap()

Methods in with parameters of type ImageMap
 void TreeDesignModelImp.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
 void TabsetDesignModelImp.setImageMap(ImageMap imagemap)
 void SchedulerDesignModelImp.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
 void RatingDesignModelImp.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
 void OptionListDesignModelImp.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
 void MenuDesignModelImp.setImageMap(ImageMap imagemap)
 void MenuButtonDesignModelImp.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
 void FormDesignModelImp.setImageMap(ImageMap imagemap)
 void CrumbsDesignModelImp.setImageMap(ImageMap imagemap)
 void ColumnHeaderDesignModelImp.setImageMap(ImageMap map)
 void ColumnDesignModelImp.setImageMap(ImageMap map)

Uses of ImageMap in

Methods in with parameters of type ImageMap
static ImageModel DefPainterUtility.getItemImage(PainterContext painterContext, LineIterator iter, java.lang.String imageProperty, ImageMap map)
          Method getItemImage
static ImageModel DefPainterUtility.getItemImage(PainterContext painterContext, TreeLineIterator iter, java.lang.String imageProperty, ImageMap map, int size)
          Method getItemImage
protected  org.apache.ecs.ConcreteElement DefMenuToolsPainter.doCreateMenuItems(MenuItem[] items, ImageMap imageMap, MenuContext ctx)
          Creates the horizontal Tool Menu
protected  org.apache.ecs.ConcreteElement DefMenuSidebarPainter.doCreateMenuItems(int level, java.lang.String path, MenuItem[] items, ImageMap imageMap, MenuContext ctx)
          Creates the MenuItems
protected  org.apache.ecs.ConcreteElement DefMenuPainter.createMenuAnchor(MenuItem item, ImageMap imageMap, boolean selected)
          Creates the Menu Anchor
protected  ImageModel DefMenuPainter.getItemImage(MenuItem item, ImageMap images)
          Retrieves the image for the given menu item
protected  org.apache.ecs.ConcreteElement DefMenuMainPainter.doCreateMenuItems(MenuItem[] items, ImageMap imageMap, MenuContext ctx)
          Creates the cells including the menu items of the menu
 void DefMenuItemPainter.appendItemsToScript(java.lang.String scope, java.lang.StringBuffer buf, MenuItem[] items, ImageMap images)
          Appends the menu item script
static java.lang.String DefMenuItemPainter.getItemImageSrc(PainterContext ctx, MenuItem item, ImageMap images)
          Retrieves the image source for the given menu item
static ImageModel DefMenuItemPainter.getItemImage(MenuItem item, ImageMap images)
          Retrieves the image for the given menu item

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