
Interface Summary
AccessControlled Interface for all objects which requires an authorization.
ActionBehavior This interface defines how a action should behave on the client
ActionBehaviour This interface defines how a action should behave on the client
AjaxSupport Base interface for all design models with AJAX support
Appointment Appointment Definition
ButtonContainer Interface for all objects that have nested buttons
ButtonDesignModel The design model for the Button control The design model holds information for rendering and the layout of the control.
ButtonStateModel State model for button
Cachable Implemented by controls which uses a caching mechanism
CalendarDesignModel The design model for the calendar control The design model holds information for rendering and the layout of the control.
Checkable This interface can be implemented by (display) objects which want to use checkboxes.
CheckableAppointment Interface for checkable appointments
CheckboxDataModel Data model for the Checkbox Control
CheckboxDesignModel Design model for checkboxes
CheckboxGroupDataModel Data model for the checkbox group Control
CheckboxGroupDesignModel Designmodel for the checkbox group control
CheckBoxGroupStateModel State model for the checkbox group
CheckboxStateModel State model for checkboxes The checkbox control has no state which must be managed across several server round trips.
ClientHandler This interface is implemented by all design models, which support client handler.
ColorPickerDesignModel The design model for the color picker control The design model holds information for rendering and the layout of the control.
ColumnButtonDesignModel Defines the visual properties for the buttomcolumn
ColumnCheckboxDesignModel Defines the visual properties for the columncheckbox
ColumnCheckDesignModel Defines the visual properties for the checkcolumn
ColumnComboBoxDesignModel Defines the visual Properties for the select Column
ColumnCommandDesignModel Defines the visual properties for the commandcolumn
ColumnContainer Defines the properties for a container of columns
ColumnDesignModel Defines the visual properties for a column of a list
ColumnDrilldownDesignModel Defines the visual properties for the drilldowncolumn
ColumnGroupDesignModel Design Model for a column group
ColumnHeaderDesignModel Design Model for a Column Header
ColumnHtmlDesignModel Defines the visual properties for the HTMLColumn.
ColumnImageDesignModel Defines the visual properties for the imagecolumn
ColumnLinkDesignModel Defines the visual properties for the LinkColumn
ColumnRadioDesignModel Defines the visual properties for the columnradio
ColumnSelectDesignModel Defines the visual Properties for the select Column
ColumnTextareaDesignModel Defines the visual Properties for the textareaColumn
ColumnTextDesignModel Defines the visual Properties for the textColumn
ColumnTreeDesignModel Defines the visual Properties for the TreeColumn
ComboBoxDataModel Data model for the ComboBox Control
ComboBoxDesignModel Designmodel for the ComboBox Control
ComboBoxStateModel State model for the ComboBox
ControlContainer Container for control elements.
ControlDesignModel Class ControlDesignModel
CrumbModel Designmodel for a Crumb
CrumbsDataModel Defines the methods which are necessary for the DataModel of a CrumbsControl.
CrumbsDesignModel DesignModel for a CrumbsControl
CrumbsStateModel Defines the Methods which manages the state of the CrumControl
DataModel Tag-Interface for all data models
DesignModel Tag-Interface for all design models.
DesignRule A design rule is used to modify the properties of a design model at runtime based on a rule
FormColumn A form column defines the visual aspects for a single column of a form element group
FormColumnGroup A form column group defines the visual attributes for the columns of a form element group
FormDataModel Data model for the Form Element
FormDesignModel Interface for the FormDesignModel
FormLabelDesignModel Design Model for a Column Header
FormStateModel State model for the Form Element
FrameContainer Interface for all objects that have a frame
FrameDataModel Data model for the Frame Element
FrameDesignModel Interface for the FrameDesignModel
FrameStateModel State model for the Frame Element
GaugeDataModel Data model for the Gauge Control
GaugeDesignModel Design model for a gauge
GaugeStateModel State model for checkboxes The checkbox control has no state which must be managed across several server round trips.
HeadlineDataModel Data model for the Headline Control
HeadlineDesignModel Defines the visual Properties for the Headline Control
HeadlineStateModel State Model for the Headline Control
HiddenDesignModel DesignModel for Hidden Text element
ImageModel Defines the attributes for an image
InfoDataModel DataModel for the Info Control
InfoDesignModel Design model for Info Control
InfoStateModel State model for the InfoControl
ListDataModel Data model for the ListControl
ListDesignModel Design model for the ListControl
ListStateModel State model for the ListControl
MenuButtonDataModel Data model of the Menu Button Control
MenuButtonDesignModel Design model of the Menu Button Control
MenuButtonStateModel State model of the menu button control
MenuDataModel Data model for the MenuControl
MenuDesignModel DesignModel for the MenuControl
MenuItem Menu item
MenuItemDesignModel Designmodel for the MenuItem
MenuStateModel State model for the MenuControl
MessageDataModel Data model for the MessageControl
MessageDesignModel Design model for the MessageControl
MessageStateModel State model for the Message Control
MultiLevelSelectDataModel Data model for the Multilevel Select Control
MultiLevelSelectDesignModel Design model for the Multilevel Select Control
MultiLevelSelectStateModel State model for the Multilevel Select Control
OptionListDataModel This interface specifies the methods which are necessary for the elements of an option list.
OptionListDesignModel Designmodel for the option list
PanelContentDesignModel Design model for panels
PanelDataModel Data model for the panel
PanelDesignModel Design model for the Panel
PanelItemDesignModel The design model for a PanelItem
PanelStateModel State model for the Panel
PlainTextDesignModel DesignModel for Plain Text element
RadioDataModel Datan model for the RadioButton Control
RadioDesignModel Design model for radio buttons
RadioGroupDataModel Data model for the checkbox group Control
RadioGroupDesignModel Design model for the checkbox group control
RadioGroupStateModel State model for the checkbox group
RadioStateModel State model for RadioButtons
Note: A text field has no state that must be managed across several server round trips.
RatingDataModel Data model for the rating control
RatingDesignModel Design model for the rating control
RatingItem A single rating item
RatingStateModel The state model of the rating control
RecurrenceException Represents an exception in a recurrence pattern.
RecurrencePattern Pattern for recurring appointments
RecurrencePatternDesignModel Designmodel for the recurrencepattern control.
RecurrencePatternStateModel StateModel for text fields
Note: A text field has no state that must be managed across several server round trips.
SchedulerDataModel Scheduler DataModel
SchedulerDesignModel Scheduler DesignModel
SchedulerStateModel Scheduler StateModel
ScrollSupport Methods for Controls with scrolling support
SelectDataModel Data model for the Select Control
SelectDesignModel Design model for the Select Control
SelectStateModel State model for the SelectControl
Sortable Interface for collections that support sorting
SpinDesignModel The design model for the color picker control The design model holds information for rendering and the layout of the control.
StateModel Interface for all Statemodels
A state model holds the state information of a control.
SwapSelectDataModel Data model for the Swap Select Control
SwapSelectDesignModel Design model for the Swap Select Control
SwapSelectStateModel State model for the SwapSelectControl
TabDesignModel Designmodel for a tab
TabsetDataModel Defines the methods which are necessary for the DataModel of a TabSet.
TabsetDesignModel DesignModel for a Tabset
TabsetStateModel Defines the Methods which manages the state of the Tabset
TextareaDataModel Data model for the Textarea Control
TextareaDesignModel Designmodel for the Textarea field
TextareaStateModel StateModel for the TextAreaControl.
TextDataModel Data model for the Text Control
TextDesignModel Designmodel for text fields.
TextListDataModel Data model for the TextList Control
TextListDesignModel Designmodel for textlist fields.
TextListStateModel StateModel for textlist fields Note: A text field has no state that must be managed across several server round trips.
TextPopupDesignModel Designmodel for the textarea popup control
TextStateModel StateModel for text fields
Note: A text field has no state that must be managed across several server round trips.
TreeDesignModel This interface defines the visual attributes of a tree.
TreeGroupDataModel Data model for the nodes of a tree
TreelistDesignModel This interface defines the structural and visual attributes of a tree element.
TreelistStateModel Defines all attributes to describe the state of a TreeListControl
TreeNodeDataModel Interface for nodes of a tree.
TreeStateModel Interface TreeStateModel
TreeStyle The interface defines the styles of a tree element
TreeSwapSelectDataModel Data model for the Tree Swap Select Control
TreeSwapSelectDesignModel Design model for the Tree Swap Select Control
TreeSwapSelectStateModel State model for the Tree Swap Select Control
VirtualDataModel This is a Tag Interface for all Data Models that are to big to hold all Objects in memory and thus needs to reload the data when an concrete object is required.

Class Summary
AppointmentPriority Enumeration Type for Appointment Priorities
ButtonType Enumeration Button-Types
CalendarMode Enumeration for Calendar Modes
ClientEvent Enumeration of client events
FrameUtil Utility Class for Frames
InnerFrame Group of form elements
InputFieldType Enumeration Input-Types
RecurrenceType Enumeration for valid Recurrence Types
SchedulerScope Specifies where to show checkboxes in a scheduler control
SchedulerView Specifies the style used to display dates in a Scheduler control

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