Interface Summary | |
AccessControlled | Interface for all objects which requires an authorization. |
ActionBehavior | This interface defines how a action should behave on the client |
ActionBehaviour | This interface defines how a action should behave on the client |
AjaxSupport | Base interface for all design models with AJAX support |
Appointment | Appointment Definition |
ButtonContainer | Interface for all objects that have nested buttons |
ButtonDesignModel | The design model for the Button control The design model holds information for rendering and the layout of the control. |
ButtonStateModel | State model for button |
Cachable | Implemented by controls which uses a caching mechanism |
CalendarDesignModel | The design model for the calendar control The design model holds information for rendering and the layout of the control. |
Checkable | This interface can be implemented by (display) objects which want to use checkboxes. |
CheckableAppointment | Interface for checkable appointments |
CheckboxDataModel | Data model for the Checkbox Control |
CheckboxDesignModel | Design model for checkboxes |
CheckboxGroupDataModel | Data model for the checkbox group Control |
CheckboxGroupDesignModel | Designmodel for the checkbox group control |
CheckBoxGroupStateModel | State model for the checkbox group |
CheckboxStateModel | State model for checkboxes The checkbox control has no state which must be managed across several server round trips. |
ClientHandler | This interface is implemented by all design models, which support client handler. |
ColorPickerDesignModel | The design model for the color picker control The design model holds information for rendering and the layout of the control. |
ColumnButtonDesignModel | Defines the visual properties for the buttomcolumn |
ColumnCheckboxDesignModel | Defines the visual properties for the columncheckbox |
ColumnCheckDesignModel | Defines the visual properties for the checkcolumn |
ColumnComboBoxDesignModel | Defines the visual Properties for the select Column |
ColumnCommandDesignModel | Defines the visual properties for the commandcolumn |
ColumnContainer | Defines the properties for a container of columns |
ColumnDesignModel | Defines the visual properties for a column of a list |
ColumnDrilldownDesignModel | Defines the visual properties for the drilldowncolumn |
ColumnGroupDesignModel | Design Model for a column group |
ColumnHeaderDesignModel | Design Model for a Column Header |
ColumnHtmlDesignModel | Defines the visual properties for the HTMLColumn . |
ColumnImageDesignModel | Defines the visual properties for the imagecolumn |
ColumnLinkDesignModel | Defines the visual properties for the LinkColumn |
ColumnRadioDesignModel | Defines the visual properties for the columnradio |
ColumnSelectDesignModel | Defines the visual Properties for the select Column |
ColumnTextareaDesignModel | Defines the visual Properties for the textareaColumn |
ColumnTextDesignModel | Defines the visual Properties for the textColumn |
ColumnTreeDesignModel | Defines the visual Properties for the TreeColumn |
ComboBoxDataModel | Data model for the ComboBox Control |
ComboBoxDesignModel | Designmodel for the ComboBox Control |
ComboBoxStateModel | State model for the ComboBox |
ControlContainer | Container for control elements. |
ControlDesignModel | Class ControlDesignModel |
CrumbModel | Designmodel for a Crumb |
CrumbsDataModel | Defines the methods which are necessary for the DataModel of a CrumbsControl. |
CrumbsDesignModel | DesignModel for a CrumbsControl |
CrumbsStateModel | Defines the Methods which manages the state of the CrumControl |
DataModel | Tag-Interface for all data models |
DesignModel | Tag-Interface for all design models. |
DesignRule | A design rule is used to modify the properties of a design model at runtime based on a rule |
FormColumn | A form column defines the visual aspects for a single column of a form element group |
FormColumnGroup | A form column group defines the visual attributes for the columns of a form element group |
FormDataModel | Data model for the Form Element |
FormDesignModel | Interface for the FormDesignModel |
FormLabelDesignModel | Design Model for a Column Header |
FormStateModel | State model for the Form Element |
FrameContainer | Interface for all objects that have a frame |
FrameDataModel | Data model for the Frame Element |
FrameDesignModel | Interface for the FrameDesignModel |
FrameStateModel | State model for the Frame Element |
GaugeDataModel | Data model for the Gauge Control |
GaugeDesignModel | Design model for a gauge |
GaugeStateModel | State model for checkboxes The checkbox control has no state which must be managed across several server round trips. |
HeadlineDataModel | Data model for the Headline Control |
HeadlineDesignModel | Defines the visual Properties for the Headline Control |
HeadlineStateModel | State Model for the Headline Control |
HiddenDesignModel | DesignModel for Hidden Text element |
ImageModel | Defines the attributes for an image |
InfoDataModel | DataModel for the Info Control |
InfoDesignModel | Design model for Info Control |
InfoStateModel | State model for the InfoControl |
ListDataModel | Data model for the ListControl |
ListDesignModel | Design model for the ListControl |
ListStateModel | State model for the ListControl |
MenuButtonDataModel | Data model of the Menu Button Control |
MenuButtonDesignModel | Design model of the Menu Button Control |
MenuButtonStateModel | State model of the menu button control |
MenuDataModel | Data model for the MenuControl |
MenuDesignModel | DesignModel for the MenuControl |
MenuItem | Menu item |
MenuItemDesignModel | Designmodel for the MenuItem |
MenuStateModel | State model for the MenuControl |
MessageDataModel | Data model for the MessageControl |
MessageDesignModel | Design model for the MessageControl |
MessageStateModel | State model for the Message Control |
MultiLevelSelectDataModel | Data model for the Multilevel Select Control |
MultiLevelSelectDesignModel | Design model for the Multilevel Select Control |
MultiLevelSelectStateModel | State model for the Multilevel Select Control |
OptionListDataModel | This interface specifies the methods which are necessary for the elements of an option list. |
OptionListDesignModel | Designmodel for the option list |
PanelContentDesignModel | Design model for panels |
PanelDataModel | Data model for the panel |
PanelDesignModel | Design model for the Panel |
PanelItemDesignModel | The design model for a PanelItem |
PanelStateModel | State model for the Panel |
PlainTextDesignModel | DesignModel for Plain Text element |
RadioDataModel | Datan model for the RadioButton Control |
RadioDesignModel | Design model for radio buttons |
RadioGroupDataModel | Data model for the checkbox group Control |
RadioGroupDesignModel | Design model for the checkbox group control |
RadioGroupStateModel | State model for the checkbox group |
RadioStateModel | State model for RadioButtons Note: A text field has no state that must be managed across several server round trips. |
RatingDataModel | Data model for the rating control |
RatingDesignModel | Design model for the rating control |
RatingItem | A single rating item |
RatingStateModel | The state model of the rating control |
RecurrenceException | Represents an exception in a recurrence pattern. |
RecurrencePattern | Pattern for recurring appointments |
RecurrencePatternDesignModel | Designmodel for the recurrencepattern control. |
RecurrencePatternStateModel | StateModel for text fields Note: A text field has no state that must be managed across several server round trips. |
SchedulerDataModel | Scheduler DataModel |
SchedulerDesignModel | Scheduler DesignModel |
SchedulerStateModel | Scheduler StateModel |
ScrollSupport | Methods for Controls with scrolling support |
SelectDataModel | Data model for the Select Control |
SelectDesignModel | Design model for the Select Control |
SelectStateModel | State model for the SelectControl |
Sortable | Interface for collections that support sorting |
SpinDesignModel | The design model for the color picker control The design model holds information for rendering and the layout of the control. |
StateModel | Interface for all Statemodels A state model holds the state information of a control. |
SwapSelectDataModel | Data model for the Swap Select Control |
SwapSelectDesignModel | Design model for the Swap Select Control |
SwapSelectStateModel | State model for the SwapSelectControl |
TabDesignModel | Designmodel for a tab |
TabsetDataModel | Defines the methods which are necessary for the DataModel of a TabSet. |
TabsetDesignModel | DesignModel for a Tabset |
TabsetStateModel | Defines the Methods which manages the state of the Tabset |
TextareaDataModel | Data model for the Textarea Control |
TextareaDesignModel | Designmodel for the Textarea field |
TextareaStateModel | StateModel for the TextAreaControl. |
TextDataModel | Data model for the Text Control |
TextDesignModel | Designmodel for text fields. |
TextListDataModel | Data model for the TextList Control |
TextListDesignModel | Designmodel for textlist fields. |
TextListStateModel | StateModel for textlist fields Note: A text field has no state that must be managed across several server round trips. |
TextPopupDesignModel | Designmodel for the textarea popup control |
TextStateModel | StateModel for text fields Note: A text field has no state that must be managed across several server round trips. |
TreeDesignModel | This interface defines the visual attributes of a tree. |
TreeGroupDataModel | Data model for the nodes of a tree |
TreelistDesignModel | This interface defines the structural and visual attributes of a tree element. |
TreelistStateModel | Defines all attributes to describe the state of a TreeListControl |
TreeNodeDataModel | Interface for nodes of a tree. |
TreeStateModel | Interface TreeStateModel |
TreeStyle | The interface defines the styles of a tree element |
TreeSwapSelectDataModel | Data model for the Tree Swap Select Control |
TreeSwapSelectDesignModel | Design model for the Tree Swap Select Control |
TreeSwapSelectStateModel | State model for the Tree Swap Select Control |
VirtualDataModel | This is a Tag Interface for all Data Models that are to big to hold all Objects in memory and thus needs to reload the data when an concrete object is required. |
Class Summary | |
AppointmentPriority | Enumeration Type for Appointment Priorities |
ButtonType | Enumeration Button-Types |
CalendarMode | Enumeration for Calendar Modes |
ClientEvent | Enumeration of client events |
FrameTitle | |
FrameUtil | Utility Class for Frames |
InnerFrame | Group of form elements |
InputFieldType | Enumeration Input-Types |
RecurrenceType | Enumeration for valid Recurrence Types |
SchedulerScope | Specifies where to show checkboxes in a scheduler control |
SchedulerView | Specifies the style used to display dates in a Scheduler control |