» Common Controls
The Java™ Presentation framework for J2EE™ Web applications.
On the basis of:
- Java™
- JavaServer™ Pages (JSP)
- Tag libraries
- With Framework adapter for Struts
Configure your user interface with tag libraries.
We deliver, for this purpose, the most common control elements that are repeatedly
required for the development of appealing J2EE™-applications with HTML-frontends.
With the Common Controls, you get:
- Tables,
- Trees,
- Registers,
- Menus and
- Forms (input, error and message forms)
Common Controls Features in overview: |
- Clear separation of business and presentation logic
- Standard layouts for complete user interfaces included in the supplied kits
- Own HTML layouts (Corporate Designs) can be easily integrated using Painter
- Supports alternative output channels
- Easy integration / handling
- Considerable reduction in the development times
- Facilitates a structured and object-oriented development of the user interface
- News -
Version 1.7 released.
New: AJAX-Support for the List-, TreeList-, Tree-, TabSet- and Scheduler-Control,
Scrollable Body Support for the List-, TreeList-Control: New MultiLevelSelect-Control,
TextList-Control,CheckBoxGroup & RadioGroup-Control, <form:forEach>-Tag
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Online-Demo updated.
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