Controls (Overview)
ListControl |
TreeControl |
TreeListControl |
TabSetControl |
SchedulerControl |
MenuControl |
GUI Browser Support:
- Microsoft© InternetExplorer Version > 5.0 (Windows)
- Netscape™ Navigator Version > 7.0 (Windows)
- Netscape™ Navigator Version > 7.1 (Linux)
- Mozilla > 1.6 (Windows)
- Mozilla > 1.6 (Linux)
- Safari™ > 1.251 (Macintosh)
- FireFox > 1.0 (Windows)
- Apache Struts 1.1 / Struts 1.2
- Apache commons-beanutils.jar
- Apache commons-collections.jar
- Apache commons-dbcp.jar
- Apache commons-digester.jar
- Apache commons-el-1.0.jar
- Apache commons-logging.jar
- Apache commons-resources.jar
- Apache commons-validator.jar
- Apache ecs-1.4.2.jar
- Apache jakarta-oro.jar
- Apache jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar
- Apache log4j-1.2.7.jar
- commons-el-ext-1.0.jar
- xml-apis.jar
Quick Start:
- The required Painterfactories needs to be registered within the Front Controller Servlet (Action Servlets) or within a Struts Application-Plugin.
- The use of the (SVG) Embed-Tag additionally requires the registration of the Resource-Servlets.
- The files and must be located along the class path!